Welcome to Servite Theatre

The theatre is located on the campus of Servite High School in Anaheim California. It seats 988 and is home to several different groups.


We are excited to be able to offer the capabilities and flexibility provided by our recently acquired LED lighting fixtures. All the stage down lights and the ground cyc lights have been replaced with LEDs and they are available as part of the standard rental package. There is also a Moving Light package available at an additional cost. Please talk to the Theatre Manager for details. We have also augmented our side and back lighting as part of our brand new House Plot designed by Mike Ritchey.

Also our lighting and sound boards have been replaced with brand new control boards, an ETC Ion 2048 and Yamaha M7CL-48ES respectively. These new digital boards give us much more flexibilty for any show--from a dance show, to a concert, to a live theatre performance.

Our video system has also been upgraded with 3 new projectors in the house, 3 HD cameras, and a High-Definition video distribution system to backstage and the lobby.

(formerly "Anaheim Center for the Performing Arts at Servite")